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Throwback Thursday: The Innovation Behind Keystone’s Website

July 9, 2015

There’s a keystone in every great invention.

Take a look at Keystone’s homepage of 20 years ago, and you might be amazed at the relative simplicity of its layout. That is often to be expected in the first edition of anything. A product-oriented, industrial-based website for electronic component design engineers was virtually unheard of at the time Keystone’s first launched website.

A Product-Oriented Website Design

Keystone’s original 1996 website featured a selection of navigable vector graphics on the homepage. Additionally, the product pages contained clickable engineering drawings and images that allowed website visitors to get more detailed product specs.

Through continuous website updates and technology innovations, our lists of products have been replaced by pages of product illustrations. Similar to our original website design, website visitors can click on the featured product images for detailed information. While our website has advanced with technology, navigating through Keystone’s website remains easier than ever with our useful, consumer-oriented product and services information.

Keystone’s Original Newsletter: KeyMail

The original newsletter and homepage were fortunately archived, yet there is little about either that could be called archaic. At the time of the original website launch, the Keystone team released company news with a multi-page pamphlet called, “KeyMail.” While the website provided a searchable method of finding specific product news, KeyMail allowed the Keystone team to share overall company news across the various products line.

While KeyMail has since been archived, the Keystone team has expanded the available communications channels. Through social media, blog posts, press releases, and Keystone’s Newsletters; Keystone customers are kept up-to-date on the latest products and company news.

Interested in learning more about Keystone’s latest product news? Request a copy of our Catalog M65, a free 152-page product selection guide. The catalog contains over 5,000 products with detailed drawings, specs, and measurements.